Adoption is the legal process of transferring all parental rights from a child’s biological parent(s) to his/her adoptive parent(s). In Louisiana, there are four avenues to adopt a child: (1) agency adoption; (2) private adoption; (3) intrafamily adoption; and (4) international adoption. The circumstances surrounding the adopting parents and the adoptive child will determine the best route for each family. Hpblaw is the most authentic and legal advisor in this regard.
Agency Adoption:
Agency adoption occurs when a child is placed in a public or private agency awaiting adoption. This type of adoption is typically involuntary on the part of the biological parents. In fact, prior to being placed in an adoption agency, the child is removed from their biological family’s home by way of a court order. While such a removal is difficult and oftentimes emotional, it only occurs when the court determines that it is in the best interest of the child. Due to the involuntary nature of agency adoptions, it is important to obtain legal counsel to ensure that the biological parents’ rights are relinquished.
Once the child is placed into an adoption agency, adoptive parents may begin fostering the child. If the foster parents and child are a suitable fit for one another, the agency and adoption attorney will work with the family to take the necessary steps to finalize the adoption.
Private Adoption:
Private adoption occurs when the biological parent(s) voluntarily place their child up for adoption. Unlike agency adoptions, private adoptions are voluntary on the part of the biological parent(s). This creates two beneficial aspects of this type of adoption: (1) the biological parents have a say in where their child will go; and (2) open adoption is available.
Intrafamily Adoption:
Intrafamily adoption occurs when an adult within the child’s family seeks to adopt them. This includes a child’s stepparent, step grandparent, great grandparent, grandparent, and other closely related family members. This type of adoption maintains the family unity and allows stepparents and children to form a closer relationship.
International Adoption:
Also referred to as “intercountry adoption,” international adoption occurs when an adult adopts a child from another country. Many of the biological parents of these children have no financial means, shelter, or education to provide for their child. As a result, they place their child in an orphanage in hopes that a family with means will adopt and/or care for them. Not only does this type of adoption provide a permanent family for vulnerable children, but it also allows families to experience cultural exchanges.
The legal process of adopting or placing a child up for adoption can be difficult, complex, and lengthy. There are many different parties involved, making communication difficult. Also, there are legal requirements such as home studies, court filings, consent forms, background checks, necessary documentation, and financial information required, making the process complex. Both of these factors extend the finalization of an adoption. The attorneys of Hudson, Potts & Bernstein, L.L.P. are committed to alleviating some of these concerns and will ensure you are informed throughout the entire process.
Attorneys focused on Adoption Law at Hudson, Potts & Bernstein, L.L.P.: